Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 2 - the saltmines!

After a hearty breakfast of meats, cheeses, rolls and muesli we set off to the famous Saltmines. A special mention must to to Ollie Mozley for his outstanding cleaning skills at the dinner table. He has gone over everyone's tables to ensure we are maintaining the good impression we have already made on the hotel staff.

We travelled just over the border into Germany and waited to change into our overalls. After laughing at each other for looking somewhat like the Michelin Man we took an underground train to the start of the tour! Our students sang their way through the spooky tunnels as we emerged into the cavernous mine.
The tour consisted of lazer light displays and projections to teach the children about the way in which salt is mined and the history of the mine. We learnt about the structure of salt crystals and its chemical properties. If salt comes up in GCSE chemistry this year then they will be sorted (or, 'salted' as Ms Durban put it! Cue Keanu and Rufus rolling their eyes and groaning!).
The students travelled on an underground mirror lake and flew down two traditional slides at great speed, it was amazing fun and we all wanted a second go!
After a little look around the shop and buying some pictures (which will be uploaded here later) we emerged into the daylight and went to eat our lunch. We had a marvelous time. I travelled to the saltmines myself when I was 14 and it has stayed with me to this day. I hope that it will be the same for the students.

We then travelled back for a very early dinner (4:30pm!) and it was on to Bad Vigaun for our second performance. The room was huge and so set up was great. The students performed brilliantly and we even had the crowd up and dancing at the end (with some of our students too)! One lady even asked where we were performing tomorrow night so that she could bring her son and daughter.
Bad Vigaun is a spa town and there were people walking to a from massages and treatments, not much goes on at night so we were welcomed with open arms. The students raised lots of money which we then used to get pizza on the way home as a well deserved (and much needed) second dinner!
A little mention here goes to our drivers Tony and Danny. They are wonderful and have supported us whole heartedly at our gigs. Thanks Guys. As the students were chanting 'We love you Drivers, we do, we love you drivers, we do, we love you drivers, we do, OOOO drivers we love you!'

Once back at the hotel it was time for a little debrief (and a reminder about the clocks) and off to bed.

Roll on Salzburg, breakfast at 8:30 (or is that 7:30....?)

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